Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Friday - January 03, 2014

Just Pissing It Away

Obama Gives World $7.5 BILLION

To Fight Global Warming

Wonder which “friends” got the largesse, and which “enemies” got punished this time around?
Given how few people actually pay taxes, that’s about $100 each out of your pocket

American taxpayers spent $7.45 billion to help developing countries cope with climate change in fiscal years 2010 through 2012, according to a federal government report submitted to the United Nations on a subject that Secretary of State John Kerry described as “a truly life-and-death challenge.”

That sum of $7.45 billion, which reached more than 120 countries through bilateral and multilateral channels, met President Obama’s “commitment to provide our fair share” of a collective pledge by developed nations to provide a total of nearly $30 billion in “fast start finance” (FSF), the report stated.

The pledge was made at a Dec. 2009 U.N. climate conference in Copenhagen, and the FSF funding aims to support developing countries adapt to and cope with phenomena blamed on climate change, such as droughts and rising sea levels.

Except that the sea levels aren’t rising, and droughts are keyed to a weather cycle more than any overall climate shift, and ... oh, never mind. What do facts and reality have to do with this administration anyway? Zilch.

Plenty more at the source, but please. This is just another way to Spread The Poverty around, and to pay off various shadowy supporters around the globe.

I just came in from sweeping the snow off our cars. All that terrible Global Warming stuff has managed to bring Winter more than a month and a half early, and right now it’s something like 12°F outside. Such warming.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/03/2014 at 03:05 PM   
Filed Under: • Climate-WeatherObama, The One •  
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calendar   Saturday - December 28, 2013

whose side is he on?

Our President, or theirs??

Iran’s centrifuge surprise

AFTER IRAN ANNOUNCES a new generation of equipment to enrich uranium, Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., says the Islamic Republic is ‘showing their true intentions’ toward building nuclear weapons and deserves increased sanctions — a demand President Obama opposes.

Surprise? To whom exactly is this a surprise? This is not even “unexpected”, like those massaged to death lies about the economy thrown out as news stories.

Not one single real American had the slightest doubt that somthing like this would happen, under Obama directly, but even more so under Secretary of State John Fuckface Kerry the traitor and his laughably worthless “treaty”.

What kind of fools run this country, and why do they persist in believing that We The People are as big a bunch of fools as they are??

President Obama faced mounting bipartisan pressure on Friday to drop his resistance to an Iran sanctions bill after Tehran announced a new generation of equipment to enrich uranium—a move the Israelis claimed was further proof the regime seeks nuclear weapons.

One of the president’s top Democratic allies is leading the charge for Congress to pass sanctions legislation, despite the president’s pleas to stand down. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez, D-N.J., told Fox News that the “Iranians are showing their true intentions” with their latest announcement.

“If you’re talking about producing more advanced centrifuges that are only used to enrich uranium at a quicker rate ... the only purposes of that and the only reason you won’t give us access to [a military research facility] is because you’re really not thinking about nuclear power for domestic energy—you’re thinking about nuclear power for nuclear weapons,” he said.

Fuck, even a dirty little Lolita whoremonger Senator from NJ can see this one coming. What’s with our great leader? At this point I seriously, seriously question whether he is working to bring about the New Caliphate, The Seventh Imam, and the collapse of the West.

And yeah, I blame Bush for half of this. He should have dropped a nuke on Tehran, just for the fun of it, back at the onset of Gulf War II. Or at the very least saturation bombed their nuclear R&D mountain redoubt until it was a giant crater 1/2 mile deep. Oh heck, Iran were even expecting us to do so at the time. But no ... Chimpy McHitlerBurton trotted out that giant NSA/CIA/FBI report: look here you stupid flyover rednecks - Iran isn’t trying to build nukes! Says so right in this report, so y’all just shut up now and go back to quietly accepting the loss of all those freedoms under the Patriot Act. And the whole country (except for the media) knew it was a lie, yet that was the ONE time his enemy the MSM didn’t doubt his word. Hmmm. Go figure.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/28/2013 at 03:10 AM   
Filed Under: • IranObama, The OneScience-TechnologyWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Sunday - December 22, 2013

OMG, Look What They’ve Done

Signing up all the gays for Obamacare is a really big deal. They’re getting priority it seems, because, gosh, so many LGBTs and lesbians don’t have insurance. (not that they’ve been turned down for it? can’t say.)

Among those most in need of access to health insurance are LGBT Americans.  Research has shown that lesbians and transgender people have lower rates of insurance, while many gay men have had difficulty getting insured due to pre-existing HIV infection or just the perceived risk of HIV.  Others have been denied coverage under their same-sex partners’ employer plans. 

Yeah yeah yeah. yadda yadda and so on. the poor things, turned down as “partners” under someone else’s insurance, because, gosh, the employers aren’t actually required by law to extend insurance coverage to a relationship that isn’t even legal in many parts of the country. So, bad bad. Make sure that whole Rainbow Community goes right to the head of the sign-up line. Poor dears, they’ve been so mistreated for so long.

But to get the word out, to get those certain special folks to sign up ... to get all the sexual deviants to register AS SEXUAL DEVIANTS with the central government [ can anyone else hear 1937 screaming “nein nein nein!!!” except me?? ] ... the O-regime has made a bunch of extra special ads.

Some of them just for the Christmas season.

So here you go. Watch below the fold. And don’t forget to sign up for Obamacare, you widdle sweetlins you! kiss kiss.

h/t to Mrs. Compton

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/22/2013 at 09:47 PM   
Filed Under: • Gay Gay Gay!Health-MedicineObama, The One •  
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calendar   Friday - December 20, 2013

My (daily) Emily Litella Moment


DHS? I thought you said DHL! That’s completely different. Never mind!

This Would Have Been An Awesome Story!


Not these guys at all

Judge claims   DHL   DHS delivering smuggled children to illegal immigrant parents

A federal judge in Texas is accusing the Department of Homeland Security of hand-delivering children smuggled into the United States to their illegal immigrant parents.

U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen revealed the practice in a blistering court order filed late last week. He said the “dangerous” practice is effectively aiding human traffickers and particularly the drug cartels, which run many of these operations.

“These actions are both dangerous and unconscionable,” he wrote.

The judge attempted to lift the curtain on what is happening behind the scenes of the Obama administration’s changing approach to immigration enforcement. It has been well-documented that DHS is allowing some illegal immigrants already inside the country to skirt deportation, and particularly those who came to the U.S. as children.

But the “conspiracy” outlined by Hanen would take that controversial policy a big step further. He detailed the case of an illegal immigrant parent in Virginia, but used that as an entry point to describe what he suggested was a broader program.

Hanen claimed that, in more than one case before his court, immigration officials are arresting human traffickers smuggling children into the U.S.—and then “delivering the minors to the custody of the parent illegally living in the United States.”

Almost boring! Just another example of our utterly corrupt government openly flauting their own laws. Again. This is what, the millionth time?

And here I was with my misunderstanding, getting this flash inspiration for boxfuls of Beaner Babies, the newest imported collectable. Mental pictures of those drivers in the colorful uniforms painting little storks on the side of their bright yellow trucks, like bomber tallies in WWII.


It coulda been awesome.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/20/2013 at 01:38 PM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationObama, The One •  
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calendar   Wednesday - December 18, 2013

eww ick

Most disgusting Obama tale ever ... of the day.


Please follow all 3 short links from the above link.

And the kicker: the portrait was for sale as a fundraiser during the previous election. It now hangs on the wall of the Embassy. So, did the government buy it? Wouldn’t that be against the rules? Or was it given to the Embassy as a gift? From whom, and again, isn’t such an action against the rules?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/18/2013 at 03:42 PM   
Filed Under: • Obama, The One •  
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calendar   Thursday - December 12, 2013

Such Security

Hey, is it just me, or is your first reaction to this “man, the Secret Service must really suck!”?

I mean, come on, as much as I despise the rat bastard, Obama is the POTUS. And the Secret Service (not to mention any South African security, or that of other nations) let this obvious mad man get that close to him? Or did Mr. Fake Sign get a pass because he’s black? This is pretty inexcusable IMO.

Sign language interpreter for Mandela memorial says he was hallucinating, often becomes ‘violent’


A man being criticized by sign language experts for providing fake interpretations while standing close to President Obama and other heads of state at Nelson Mandela’s memorial says he becomes violent “a lot” and was hallucinating during the event.

Thamsanqa Jantjie did not describe his qualifications for being a sign language interpreter, but told The Star he works for an interpreting company that paid him $85 for working Tuesday’s event, according to The Associated Press. He told Radio 702 on Thursday he’s receiving treatment for schizophrenia and had an episode while on stage at FNB Stadium in Johannesburg.

“What happened that day, I see angels come to the stadium ... I start realizing that the problem is here. And the problem, I don’t know the attack of this problem, how will it come. Sometimes I get violent on that place. Sometimes I will see things chasing me,” Jantjie said in an interview with The Associated Press.

A South African deputy Cabinet minister said “a mistake happened” when Jantjie was hired for the event.

Deputy Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu said Thursday that government officials have tried to track down the company that provided Jantjie, SA Interpreters, but that its co-owners “have vanished into thin air.”


She said an investigation is under way to determine how Jantjie received a security clearance.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/12/2013 at 03:28 PM   
Filed Under: • InternationalObama, The One •  
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calendar   Wednesday - December 11, 2013

Barry The Playa

Oh Snap! Mooch Puts The Dawg In The Pound


After hittin up on the Danish PM, taking selfies and having a good time during Mandela’s funeral, Mooch puts herself between da fool playa an dat ho. Oh snap, you just KNOW there was some head shaking, finger pointing, shoe banging, and some words later. Uh huh. In da pound witchu dawg!

Obama creates international incident with ‘selfie’ at Mandela service
Among the enduring images from Nelson Mandela’s massive memorial service in Johannesburg Tuesday will be one of a jovial President Obama taking a cell phone pic with his seat-mates, Denmark’s Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and Britain’s David Cameron.

As the three of them smile for the camera, a stern-looking Michelle Obama can be seen staring straight ahead, hands clasped. As if to remind anyone who sees this photo years from now that it was, after all, a memorial service for one of the great human rights leaders.

The tsk-tsk-ing could be heard for miles.

Interpreting a series of photos taken at Mandela’s memorial service Tuesday, it looked like President Barack Obama was having fun posing for a selfie with British Prime Minister David Cameron and Denmark Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, while wife Michelle Obama wanted no part of it.

In another series of three photos, Obama is seen chatting with a smiling Thorning-Schmidt, with the president touching her on her shoulder. In the third photo, the president and the first lady switched seats. While it is not known who suggested the seat change, Twitter users clearly feel it was the first lady’s call.

At least she didn’t have to cut a bitch. This time.

And I’m just so glad our President was the model of gravitas and dignity at this important and solemn international event. Makes me proud to be an American.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/11/2013 at 10:11 AM   
Filed Under: • Obama, The One •  
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calendar   Monday - December 09, 2013

stolen from Theo’s



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/09/2013 at 12:33 AM   
Filed Under: • Obama, The One •  
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calendar   Friday - December 06, 2013

update ,,, uncle immigrant ,,,, obama says all depends on what u mean by “IS”

a very brief update to a previous article .... for the record.

President Obama finally admits he DID live with his drunk driving illegal immigrant uncle despite White House claiming last year they’d never even met

Onyango Obama, 69, has been an illegal resident of the U.S. since his student visa ran out in 1970
Judge ruled that he is now allowed to apply to be a legal resident
President first denied ever meeting his uncle but Onyango claimed in court that Barack stayed with him for three weeks while at law school in 1988
Today the White House released a statement saying that the President did know and stay with his uncle ‘Omar’ but they have not seen each other in 20 years and not spoken with one another in the past decade

By Meghan Keneally


President Obama has now admitted that he did live with his illegal immigrant uncle for weeks as a law student even though he initially denied ever meeting the man.

The backpedaling admission comes after Onyango Obama said during his immigration court hearing that he hosted his young nephew Barack for several weeks back in the late 1980s.

The White House had previously put out a statement saying that the President had never met the man claiming to be his uncle, but they reversed their position after Kenyan-born Onyango was given permission to remain in the country and apply for legal citizenship status.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/06/2013 at 01:40 PM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationObama, The One •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 16, 2013

O Candy


I know, I know ... but I could post this pic every day and be happy.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/16/2013 at 06:11 PM   
Filed Under: • Fun-StuffObama, The One •  
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More to Teh Point

No sooner did I post that bit on Obama last night than my wife let me know how far behind the moment I was.

Yes, that was what was said yesterday. But in less than 24 hours ...

... the Republican majority House drew up a bill giving him that 1 year delay that seemed to be what he wanted. And then passed it. Fastest legislation ever!!

The House approved Republican legislation on Friday giving health insurers the option of extending plans through 2014 that would otherwise be canceled for not complying with Affordable Care Act standards.

The bill, approved 261-157, would also allow new customers to enroll in those plans. Thirty-nine Democrats crossed party lines and joined a nearly unanimous GOP caucus in voting for the measure proposed by Rep. Fred Upton, R-Michigan.

So lookie there: the GOP cooperating with El Residente on his signature  fumble  opus, trying to give him what he wanted when push has come to shove and the American people are taking a hurting.

But no.

It has little to no chance of clearing the Democratic-controlled Senate, however.

Say what? Isn’t this what their Lord and Master wanted? Um, no. What HE wanted was the law to be ignored by his say so. HE didn’t want a little Time Out rider added on to it. HE wanted to fix to go in based only his holy word and the televised waving of his magic wand.

The Senate Democrats however, WANT THE MONEY. All this was explained last night to me while I was trying to get us up to bowling league on time, so I was a bit more focused on not hitting the deer and keeping the car on the road. So I’m not 100% here but ...  maybe they’re just being contrary as usual, and will only support a bill that they author?

Not that it matters. Obama has sworn to veto the 1 year extension bill brought forth by the House, even if Harry Reid would even call the bill and the DNC majority Senate passed it. So a fix to make O’s illegal fix a bit legal is dead in the water. And the Dems seem to have 2 quite similar fixes of their own in the works, one of which pretty much seems to obviate Obamacare entirely?

The White House has already threatened to veto the legislation, and there’s certainly no guarantee that Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid would call it to the floor.

But Democrats are separately pursuing two additional pieces of legislation on the Senate side that—if they can convince Reid to consider them—could prove problematic for the president.

Both those bills go further than even the House bill.

One, from Sen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., would allow the old policies to be extended for another two years.

The other, from Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., would effectively allow an indefinite extension of those plans by grandfathering in all plans as late as Dec. 31, 2013.

Landrieu’s plan would make Obama’s promise REAL. “ If you like it you can keep it”, old policy, old amounts of coverage, old (one hopes) cost. And if the Dems hate that one too? Well, it just shows you their true intentions, doesn’t it?

Thank you Obama. Not only have you made a total fool of yourself and your world spanning hubris, you’ve put your political pal’s nuts in the wringer in the Legislature. Thrown them all under the bus. Because that’s what the Magic Negro does. 

For a similar look at Obama’s latest ukase (decree from the Tsar, aka a holy decree from Caesar) see Jeff Anderson’s column at the Weekly Standard

… Apparently, the federal lawmaking authority has now moved to the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.  ...

... By “the old law,” the White House official clearly didn’t mean the law at the time of Obamacare’s passage, because pre-Obamacare law didn’t tell insurers that they would have “to no longer offer” 2013 plans in 2014.  Rather, that’s what Obamacare requires—or, more exactly, what “old” (written, congressionally passed) Obamacare requires.  New Obamacare—which wasn’t passed by Congress but was simply decreed from the White House—now temporarily revokes that mandate (albeit only as it pertains to those who were already enrolled in such plans).

... This latest development offers a stark reminder, however, that Obamacare isn’t only an historic assault on Americans’ liberty, but also on the very notion of government of, by, and for the people.

Well yeah. That’s what the VRWC blogosphere was screaming about years ago. So loud that finally even the GOP heard us. And you (on the Left) weren’t listening.  You still aren’t. You’re only concerned that the Great Plan isn’t working. You still can’t see the tyranny within it.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/16/2013 at 12:36 PM   
Filed Under: • Health-MedicineObama, The One •  
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calendar   Tuesday - November 12, 2013

ObamaCare GFY

Slick Willy To Obozo: Keep Your Promise

Bill Clinton, in an unusually blunt critique of the sitting commander-in-chief, said President Obama should live up to his promise to Americans that if they like their health plans, they can keep them.

The former president weighed in on the roiling controversy about health plan cancellations during an interview with the site The current president recently apologized to the public for the millions of cancellation notices that are going out—despite him assuring Americans that, under ObamaCare, they could keep their coverage if they want.

For Clinton, the apology doesn’t cut it.

“So I personally believe, even if it takes a change to the law, the president should honor the commitment the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got,” Clinton said.

Clinton’s comments could cause problems for Obama, who has resisted any major changes to the law. Obama, in explaining the cancellation notices, has clarified that under ObamaCare, policies could be canceled if they had been altered in any way since the passage of the law.

That nuance was not included in the president’s initial explanations.

Faux Snooze (as the left loves to say) leaves out the real nuance: the vast majority of canceled policies did not have all of the detailed coverage that O-care now demands. Thus they HAD to be enhanced, and that’s an alteration. So of course the EVIL insurance companies dropped those policies. It’s bloody gold mine for them (until they get run out of business by single payer {aka government owned insurance}) - they can add a newly required doodad or two to your policy, then charge you two to ten times as much. So yeah, all the minimal policies are going the way of the dodo, especially as these go most often to the young, who are both healthy and earning less. And thus the insurance boys hope that their new policies will be significantly subsidized.

They’re all rat bastards. Both presidents, the insurance companies, and the lazy reporters at “Faux”.

The administration argues that while some are losing their current coverage, those plans will be replaced by better-quality insurance. The flip side is that they could be more expensive.

Ok, I’m wrong about Fox. But this statement from the administration is flat out nasty. And untrue: almost everyone is finding out those new policies cost a lot more, either up front (higher premiums) or in back (much higher deductibles before actual payments kick in). Nuance my ass, this is total douche-arama. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/12/2013 at 11:46 AM   
Filed Under: • Obama, The One •  
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calendar   Monday - November 11, 2013

oh hella yeah

Stolen from the Rottie, who quoted an email sent in and read by Sean Hannity on Fox News:

“Putting things in perspective: March 21st 2010 to October 1 2013 is 3 years, 6 months, 10 days. 

December 7, 1941 to May 8, 1945 is 3 years, 5 months, 1 day. 

What this means is that in the time we were attacked at Pearl Harbor to the day Germany surrendered is not enough time for this progressive federal government to build a working webpage. 

Mobilization of millions, building tens of thousands of tanks, planes, jeeps, subs, cruisers, destroyers, torpedoes, millions upon millions of guns, bombs, ammo, etc. Turning the tide in North Africa, Invading Italy, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Race to Berlin – all while we were also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific!! 

And in that amount of time – this administration can’t build a working webpage.”

Not even an offshored no-bid one with 64300% cost overruns. But hey, no nepotism or favoritism there or anything, right Moochie?

VJ day was August 15, 1945, about 97 days later I think. Don’t expect the page to be running clean by then either. As if this part quoted above wasn’t bad enough.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/11/2013 at 12:39 AM   
Filed Under: • Obama, The One •  
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calendar   Thursday - October 31, 2013

Who Needs To Even Ask?



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/31/2013 at 11:47 PM   
Filed Under: • IsraelObama, The One •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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